Silent Film: Sky High (1922)

Door time: 7:00 PM

Show time: 7:30 PM

Silent Film Series 2024

Featuring live music accompaniment by Rodney Sauer.

A 100-year tradition, the beloved Chautauqua Silent Film Series continues with Sky High. Tom Mix stars as Grant Newbury, a daring government agent. Tasked with investigating a smuggling operation along the U.S.-Mexico border, Newbury navigates treacherous terrain and aerial escapades to uncover the criminal activities. Set against the stunning backdrop of the Grand Canyon, the film features thrilling stunts and high-flying action that showcase Mix’s cowboy heroics.

Opening with the short film made in Colorado: Buck’s Romance (1912)

Series Four Pack Available!

*Please note the Hop2Chautauqua shuttles do not operate for this event. Parking is available immediately around Chautauqua Auditorium.

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